Friday, December 9, 2011

French supersonic VTOL from back in the day.

French VTOL Mirage III and one of the few supersonic VTOL aircraft ever to fly.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) Mission Animation

For more information on the projects see the link at the end of this post.  This is the kind of thing that I think we need more off.  We need to inspire the next generation to get out from in front of the PlayStation and see what's out in the world.

Bernanke's Impossible Inflation Challenge 2011

The train is headed for the cliff and the engineer driving says, "full speed ahead!"  It'll be "interesting" to see how / if the country comes through the other side.  Frankly, I'd rather live in boring times.

Should be mandatory viewing in US grade school science classes.

Ephemeral Isle

I've added a link to the Ephemeral Isle blog to my list of News & Technology blogs.  It's not really a news or technology blog but a geekfest of a little of both with a good dose of fiction to boot.  Rather than create a seperate section for "other" blogs at this time I decided to put it here.  (Though if I do decide to add more blogs of an entertainment nature I may just create a seperate category.)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just a few things that caught my attention today. . .

Nanoparticles successfully take down MRSA bacteria

"The nanostructures were effective against Gram-positive bacteria, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, and had an efficiency comparable to that of conventional antimicrobials at their best, all while leaving red blood cells alone."

San Francisco International Airport's Terminal 2 will be home to both Virgin America and Virgin Galactic

"Even by Virgin's standards it was a markedly grand opening ceremony.

The new Virgin America A320 Airbus yesterday flew over San Francisco in tandem with WhiteKnightTwo, a carrier aircraft holding SpaceShipTwo, the world's first commercial passenger spaceship."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today's ramble.

This thing isn't "live" yet (well I guess it is but I'm the only person who knows it exists) but I thought I'd post here if only to begin establishing the habit.  I am typically a pretty outspoken individual and am not shy about sharing opinions, but I thought I would start this blog to try to. . .consolidate some of my thoughts and opinions.  (Not that I think they're particularly noteworthy or unique but hey, why not?)

I'm not even sure what format this blog will take.  I recently read one of those "demotivational" posters that seemed particularly insightful,  "You can do anything you want but you can't do everything you want".  There are so many things to do or that can be done it's tough to decide what is worth doing sometimes.  What is "fun"?  What is worth doing?  Can anybody do anything truly unique that will stand for all time?  Ideas come and go.  People come and go.  Even history changes over time until much is forgotten or relegated to rumor.  Will anybody remember Gutzon Borglum?  "Who?" you say.  The sculptor who lead the team who created the carving on Mt Rushmore.   How long until the names of the figures on the monument are forgotten, let alone who did the carving?   Will they be torn down by erosion, by man, or by natural disaster?  Who knows?  My point is that for me at least, at times it's tough deciding if something is worth doing.  Why do it?  What will come of it?  Will it matter in the slightest in the long run?   Maybe it doesn't matter if I'm not the guy who cures cancer or walks on the moon.  Maybe if all I do is do my part that is enough.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The obligatory cat picture.

Wallpaper #1

A nice view of the Milky Way from my favorite wallpaper site.

Mystery Image #1

Looking at my next firearm project (provided I can get it approved by the other half).

Glock 20 with a Robared slide, Lone Wolf 10mm barrel and tungsten guide rod.

Testing the blog.

This is just a first test post to see if this thing works.